During my 19 years with the Virginia Beach City Public Schools, I served in the following capacities: Security Assistant, In School Suspension Coordinator, and Dean-of-Students / Work Adjustment Teacher. Also, for 14 years I was the Director of a Character Development Mentoring Program for the youth called: The Gentlemen's Club. The Shaping Of Our Future Generation, Putting A Plug In The School To Prison Pipeline! illustrates the overwhelming huge success in having such a program in public schools. In the four different schools that I worked, The Gentlemen's Club program was implemented and it changed the climate of the school. Attendance increased, discipline decreased, and relationships between members and their families were improved as well. With all the success of the program, there were also some challenges and stumbling blocks that were encountered as well. My book gives chronological accounts of trying to make a difference in equipping our youth with the tools needed to succeed when oppositions presents itself. .