3-D shapes
are timeless and classic.
They cut quite a figure,
being geometric.
Yes, they are beautiful,
simple and yet grand
And they are the building blocks
of all creations that stand
GRAND OPENING Shapes in 3-D The newest amusement park for Shapes Oh, the Shapes want you to come along. They are crossing their fingers that you do. There will be giant bubble ball runs, bumper cars, and canoe rides. There will be obstacle courses and Ferris Wheel rides under the papery sky There will be so much to see and do. And in the midst of it all, there will also be a treasure hunt for shapes. And the one who finds all the shapes will receive a present, a SECRET PRIZE The Shapes are peering out from their paper-of-a-world, hoping you would come Be ready to make new memories and to share a good laugh with your newest geometric friends, the Shapes
Miss Anna did it again This time, she presents to children 3-dimensional shapes. Interested? Well, usually, commonly, generally, posters of 3-D shapes for children do not generate much enthused excitement. And normally and traditionally, such posters are no more than a presentation of dry facts. But, when Miss Anna presents it... But, when Miss Anna gives it her creative touch... 3-D shapes become everything but boring. They become fun, exciting, thrilling, moving, inspiring, and delightfully sweet They become the newest attraction in town, an amusement park, a family-friendly place that promises happy memories and joyful fun Yes, indeed With common geometric 3-D figures, Miss Anna created a one-of-a-kind amusement park that our dearest Shapes and the whole family can enjoy An educational fiction written with the warmth of a rhyme, The Shape Story 2 promises childlike fun all the while introducing children to 3-D shapes: spheres, cones, cylinders, prisms, pyramids, cubes, -drons (tetrahedrons, icosahedrons, dodecahedrons, octahedrons), and toruses. There will also be hints of other novel shapes such as an ovoid, parallelepiped, the Mobius strip, the Klein bottle, hyperboloid, scutoid, pseudosphere, ovoid, and a cupola. Buy The Shape Story 2 to have more learning fun with your newest friends, the Shapes. 3-D shapes are the newest attraction in the Shape Story world