Within the makeshift corridors of a dark labyrinth, lost beneath an old man's secluded mansion, five reluctant strangers will find one another, drawn together by a mysterious, luminescent force.
Searching for lost companions, hidden exits, or redemption for wasted years, each of these strangers will face the toughest challenge of their lives. For, within the confines of the dark labyrinth, the strangers are being hunted by an ancient legend, a shadowy horror unknown to the world of man.
Their journeys will take them through haunted graveyards, possessed swamps, and dreamscape realms filled with hopes and horrors; yet, along the way, through all their encounters, the sands of the hourglass are ever-shifting, counting down to a nightmarish reality.
Now, racing against time and the shadows around them, these strangers must confront the darkest of demons, an aged man obsessed with immortality, and the ultimate horror he has awakened: the legend of the shadow serpentine.