'Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live'
So sayeth the Lord recounting His words spoken to Moses to the last of the Holy Trinity; His servant the Divine Spirit, entrusted to ensure the secrets of the universe and the seventh gift remain with a departed God from His forsaken world.
Three thousand two hundred and seventy years later, NYPD Sgt. Charlie O'Hare with his boss, Lt. Frank Weinberg investigating missing immigrant children, discover a conspiracy to hide those responsible. An ancient order buried in a civil service department of the government has found the key to extract the secrets of the universe from God's servant using ultimate sin.
This fast moving story of intrigue will see the bedrock of Christian-Judaism ground to dust with the climax, the President of the United States of America, the God-fearing Henry Clancy Montgomery III, having to make a leap of faith: to run with Satan with his eternal damnation, or risk wiping mankind from the face of the earth with its soul intact.