2,000 years ago, on the cross, Jesus cried out His seven last words as below:
Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.
Today you will be with Me in Paradise.
Woman, behold, your son
My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?
I am thirsty.
It is finished
Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit.
Each word He uttered was a fulfillment of God's prophecies on Messiah. Through His last words, Christ also reminds us all the things that matter to us while we await His coming.
To name a few, Forgive, Paradise is Yours if you believe in Jesus, God has a purpose for you, Respect women, You have a new family in Christ, Submit to God's will, It is alright to cry out to God in pain, Bad things can happen to us not as the consequences of our bad actions or poor judgments, God is fully aware of what's going on in your life, Take sin seriously, Look at your life as God sees, Study the Scriptures with the help of the Holy Spirit, and Go to Christ the Savior with confidence in times of need, Remember Jesus' word daily: It is finished. Atonement is done. Your debt is paid off. Forgiveness is granted. Adoption is completed. You're God's child. Access is opened. Enter into God's presence with boldness and confidence in the name of Jesus our Lord, and Commit all our matters into the hands of God.
As we walk each day by remembering and doing these things, all will be well with us.