Rija the Aye-Aye lemur lives high up on a canopy tree on the beautiful island of Madagascar. Everything was going fine until one day, Rija was too afraid to step outside her comfort zone and try new things. In The Secret Words, kids will climb along with Rija to reach the top of her goals and discover that if you believe in yourself and never give up, you can accomplish anything.
In The Secret Words, Rija learns that the 4 secret words to unlock her success is to tell herself, "I can do it." After all, believing in yourself comes first. Then, focus on learning from your losses. Even if you fail the first time, it doesn't mean that you won't eventually succeed so choose to try again and remember that you can do anything.
As Rija swings through the vines and steps outside her comfort zone, she discovers that you may have to swing through challenges and failures to get to where you want to be! But fear not. Use your inner strength and know that you can handle it. Children will be inspired by Rija's determination to try new things with confidence using the 4 secret words.
Here, at Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream, we believe that children's books are more than just stories - they're vessels of inspiration, education, and imagination. Read other best-selling children books from Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream like Fiona Flamingo, Reverie: I Believe in Me, Zen Pig, Pyra, and The Brave Little Crab.