Orphaned and sickly, young Joscelin Charpentier, along with older sister Eulalie, is taken in by a wealthy uncle. The children cope with Uncle Marcel's cold indifference as best as they can, but Eulalie enjoys all the attention as the healthier child while Joscelin is subjected to the cruelty of a resentful nurse. Comfort and affection come his way in the person of Aunt Rosanna, a rapidly fading gentlewoman from Italy who develops and nurtures a unique bond with the lonely child.
It's a bond that will be tested in the future following a night of murder and suicide, and on his return home after years of isolated study, Joscelin discovers just how deeply that connection runs as the ch?teau's long-held secrets fight to untangle themselves. Eerie muffled calls from somewhere in the ch?teau disturb the residents some nights, and Joscelin's homecoming intensifies the hauntings as the dead sense and acknowledge his presence.
The mystery surrounding Aunt Rosanna's disappearance leads him to a broken iron piece with a rusted lily on one end. With only dark memories to guide him, Joscelin struggles to overcome deeply held fears in his bid to pay back a debt and bring his lost aunt home.