The Robin Hood Virus is a computer and cell
phone virus that is totally undetectable. We
use the Robin Hood Virus to infect the
computers of hackers and large corporations
who are breaking the law. We donate the
proceeds to well-deserving charities such as
homeless shelters, food banks, and families
facing financial ruin because of medical
emergencies. In the first book we have stolen
1.5 billion dollars and donated it to charity.
I am writing 5 books in the series.
About Robert Nerbovig:
I have been married for 58 years to my wife Pat.
I am a former active duty Marine as are my 2
sons. We live in the mountins of Arizona. I
have been programming computers for business
since 1970 and designing and developing web
pages since 1996. I am very familiar with computer
viruses and the havoc they wreak. I am the 23rd
great great grandson of King Olaf of Norway.
(Saint Olaf)