Earth's ancient past is coming home to roost, and it's making Barry Novak, the Chief of Operations of the Earth Intelligence Service, very nervous.
First, a document written in an alien language surfaces at an archaeological site on Earth. Then, a Stragori defector approaches Novak, offering another old document in exchange for sanctuary. This one was stolen from the alien's home world. Once decoded, the document's contents are mind-blowing. Finally, an old enemy switches sides, bringing with him information that fills in the gaps and, if true, could rewrite the very definition of Humanity.Earth isn't yet ready to learn these truths. Making them public would cause worldwide xenophobia. So, Novak does the only thing he can think of. He sends them as far away as he can--to Daisy Hub.
In this eagerly awaited sequel to The Genius Asylum, long buried secrets arrive aboard the space station, carried by a mysterious one-eyed man who calls himself Max Karlov and claims to have been assigned there. But there are things happening on Daisy Hub that need to be kept "in the family," and too many unanswered questions about this new crew member. Determined to unravel Karlov's story, Townsend and his crew of maverick geniuses start digging for the truth. What they discover will shake them to their core.