"The Red Cactus Desert: Geena and the '59 Dodge Lancer" is the second book in my Desert Store Series. The book delves deeper into the lives of Geena and Mama, her mother, who are runaways that settled into a desert store in New Mexico. Geena has inherited the Sight from Mama. Cowboy Johnson, the store owner, is a good father to Geena. Geena discovers his secret: the Red Cactus Desert, a place where anger is released and peace is restored by the red-painted wooden cacti standing in weighted-down milk cans. More psychic healers are drawn to live at the store. Normaine refuses to marry Eddy, Mama is fearful of Cowboy Johnson's love, and William makes troubling decisions because of his arthritis. The story unfolds with intensity, humor, and unexpected turns. An inspiring coming-of-age read 6"x9" 276 pages.