A deep-dive exploration of why you are the person you are, and who you can become--as a human being and a leader
Who is currently running your life? The answer--mostly unbeknownst to us--is that none of us operates from a single self. Instead, we unconsciously move between different personas or defender selves, formed in childhood to help protect us from perceived threats that tell us we're not good enough. In many cases, the defender serves a useful purpose, but it can also be defensive and highly reactive to any experience of criticism, unworthiness, or fear. The Reckoning is a journey of awakening designed to surface the beliefs, habits, biases, fears, and rationalizations of our defenders that prevent us from being our best. The path to liberation begins with reconnecting to the core self and putting it back in charge of our life. Unlike our defenders, the core self never doubts its intrinsic worth. It doesn't act from a place of defensiveness. It dedicates its energy to adding value to the world. Simply aligning with it has a powerful impact. Here, you'll explore how to: - Understand what motivates you