One shocking encounter will turn childhood friends into eternal enemies.
Vince's immortality is no blessing. Unlike his childhood companion from long ago, he refuses to feed on humans to prolong his life. When people from his village start disappearing, he suspects an immortal killer at work...
Saul eagerly takes what he needs to survive his eternal life. But when he comes face-to-face with his adolescent friend and has to answer for his crimes, his intricately woven scheme may meet an untimely end...
As the high price of their existence hangs between them, a powerful new enemy may require them to put aside their differences. Can Vince and Saul join forces or will their decades old feud end in blood and death?
The Rat Collector is the first book in the Age of End series of dystopian sci-fi novels. If you like twisted moral dilemmas, intricate world building, and captivating characters, then you'll love Chris Yee's compelling adventure.
Buy The Rat Collector to discover the price of eternal life today