A wicked witch captures the Rainbow Fairy, intending to exchange her for the unicorn's powers, which would allow the witch to be able to fly unseen without her broomstick Kate, a friend of the fairies, comes up with a scheme to defeat the wicked witch.Kate and the fairies set a trap for the witch's goblin helpers, intending to trade them for the Rainbow Fairy. At first the plan fails, but then the unexpected happens when the witch's goblin helpers turn into greenies. Will the wicked witch finally release the Rainbow Fairy? Lynne Pickering lives in Warwick, Queensland, Australia. She paints art and exports art worldwide. Her book covers are her own wonderful creations. This is her seventh published book. Her future plans? "We intend to open an art gallery and coffee shop at our country retreat, where friends can come and enjoy the many rare bird species and wildlife."