If you think you are not being paid fairly, The Quotient offers you a direct and simple process to identify your achievements on the job, source and share your value with your employer and be able to defend your claims to management--at all levels. Similarly, your employer can easily see why what you say is accurate. The good news is that none of this is difficult
The Quotient opens by teaching workers, project managers, and individual contractors how to determine and share their contributions with their employer/project owner regardless of their rank or position.
Over many years, Rick Gillis has been able to point out achievements his clients had not recognized simply because they were too close to the situation. To illustrate, fourteen "Q-Studies" have been placed throughout the book to guide the reader through the process. These Q-Studies include an executive assistant who found thousands of dollars in uncollected discounts for her company; the construction superintendent who saved his company millions of dollars by building a simple bridge over the worksite, and the bank VP who saved his bank during a national financial meltdown but never knew he had done so--until he asked.
The second part of the book, for management and enterprise, focuses on: -Enhancing employee engagement -Helping establish a uniquely fair pay system within the scope of existing market rates -Exposing lost production companies endure while conducting performance appraisals-The potential for saving thousands and thousands of dollars when dealing with employment issues.
In his introduction, Doug Thorpe writes: "For two decades Rick Gillis has disrupted the traditional thinking about resumes and job search. People who followed Rick's guidance found quick and effective results even in the worst of job market conditions. Now, Rick blazes a new trail with The Quotient."
Fair Pay - Pay Equality - Equal Pay for Equal Work - Pay Disparity - Proper Pay - Accomplishment - Advancement - Business Management - Employee Engagement - Performance Assessment - Performance Appraisal - Performance Review - Personal Growth - Promotion - Employment - Level Playing Field