In Vol 2, The Adventures of Caroline and The Emerald Dragon, Caroline and her parents were stranded in the land of the two moons, chasing after the great dragon Fraenir, who had stolen their time machine. No sooner had they caught up to the dragon and learned of another way to get back home than Fraenir requested their help in returning him home. Using the emerald whistle, they found themselves time-traveling to Fraenir's home world, only to be trapped again in a strange new place, faced with uncertain dangers. After the group arrived in the land of the ancient dwarves, the dark elves ambushed them and stole the emerald whistle from around Caroline's neck. The whistle is a precious gem that has the power to summon the great dragon Fraenir to his location, and by its magic, also transport them back home. Now join Caroline and her parents in Vol 3, The Adventures of Caroline and The Quest for the Emerald Whistle, as they flee from the rock giants in pursuit of the dark elves. Will they succeed? Let's find out...shall we?