Have you ever asked yourself why God created marriage with its biblical definition? Growing up, I've just accepted the fact it's a natural part of life for most adults. Through a combination of communication and observation over the years, I've learned it's a preferential environment to raise children. Coming from a Catholic background prior to getting saved, I was taught that you needed to get married to have sex and it not be a sin. Being saved, I obviously still agree with these things. However, being in agreement with something doesn't tell me why it's the way it is.
Is there a deeper meaning to our day-to-day view of marriage? The answer to that question is a resounding yes This question put me on the path of discovery through the study of scripture. Finding the Gospel of Christ tucked away within biblical marriages and noticing the specific roles given to husbands and wives are revelatory concerning the relationship between Jesus and the church. The biblical marriages we read about in our Bibles speak to every aspect of Christ. You'll be surprised to discover modern Christian marriages speak of Christ the same way.
This book isn't a counselor's guide to teach you how to walk out your marriage. Although I'm not married, I desire to and will be one day. It's a revelation of our husband, Jesus Christ, from a perspective we normally don't have. That we realize our Christian marriages are prophetic of Christ's Second Coming and marriage to the church and take our responsibilities more seriously. This book is for the single person as much as it's for those who are already married because we're all Christ's bride. By reading this book, I'm positive it'll have a profound effect on your life and walk with Jesus Christ