It's a boy The year is 1972 and the Rehman family are ecstatic - particularly Faizali. After giving him five daughters, his wife has finally produced a son and heir.
Sadly, their happiness is short-lived and Faizali's wife, Begum, dies a few days later from undetected post-partum complications.
The tragedy hits the family hard. The five sisters have to grow up fast and look after their newborn brother and their strict patriarchal father, a traditional Pakistani/Muslim who demands honour and respect. He offers little emotional support to these young vulnerable girls at the darkest time of their lives.
The arrival of a pretentious step-mother changes their world, once more, in a heartbeat. The girls are trapped. The family home is filled with tension and as well as grieving for their mother, they have to learn how to live with their father's cold new wife.
As the years go by, the girls are married off one by one - a relief in some ways. Each try to make the most of their arranged marriages but Selena is forced to marry a Manchester 'businessman'. Very quickly she discovers he is actually a drug-dealing alcoholic who regularly beats her to within an inch of her life. She is desperate to flee the marriage.
Abdel, the much-adored son, poses a big problem too. He doesn't quite live up to his father's high standards. He dabbles in western habits, goes against the family's religion and culture, and he prefers men to women. So when fate deals him a lucky hand, he finally escapes Faizali's tight grip and is able to breathe.
But who will pay the price of honour?
Will Abdel find true happiness with his new partner?
Will Selena escape her abusive relationship?
Will the family pull together to help their siblings?
Or will the Rehman family finally collapse?
Find out all this and more in this compelling, gritty and addictive book which will force much contemplation, reflection, and open your eyes to the reality of honour killings.