It is with real pleasure that I commend this volume, "The Power That Prevails," by Rev. J. C. McPheeters, D. D., Pastor of Glide Memorial Methodist Church, San Francisco, Calif., to the reading public, and especially to those who rec- ognize the leadership of the Holy Spirit in true evangelism, the salvation of sinne'rs and the sanctification of believers.
The Scriptures have spoken very plainly on the importance, in fact, the absolute necessity, of holiness, that we may enter into eternal rest at the conclusion of our life in the body in this world. The Scriptures not only proclaim the divine requirement of a full deliverance from sin, but they make abundant provision in Jesus Christ for our full salvation. and declare that, "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think." This is a wonderful promise and, no doubt true, that we never have nor ever shall be able to grasp the power of our Lord Jesus to deliver from sin, and to keep those who commit themselves to Him. Nothing can be more important than a Church in the world which is a real Bride of Christ, separate from sin, cleansed by the blood of our gracious Redeemer and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Dr. McPheeters has rendered a splendid ser- vice in writing this book on so vital and important a subject. We trust it may have a wide reading, and feel sure that it shall prove beneficial "to those who thoughtfully and prayerfully peruse its pages.
Faithfully yours,
H. C. Morrison