The declaration by Paul the Apostle that "if any one be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new" encapsulates the restorative transformation of the believer. Yet many don't have a clear understanding of the status this transformation confers on the believer in Christ. In The Position of the Adopted Child of God, Dr. Uruakpa presents in a readable and compelling language the transcendent newness of the adopted child of God, detailing the necessity of the adoption; the cost, method, and consequences of the adoption; and the benefits of the newness accruing to the believer in the form of their secure inheritance. The author sounds a note of warning to twenty-first-century believers to beware of all the forces that threaten to sabotage this privileged position as God's adopted child. This position, in spite of all odds, the author underscores, is unassailable in the life of the child of God, who is seated with Christ--astounding!