Inspired by the real-life Samuel Pallache, a Moroccan-born Jewish leader and sailor, comes a high-seas adventure about living your dreams and doing what's right to help others by the author of Big Bad Wolf's Yom Kippur.
In 16th-century Amsterdam, Sam was torn between two goals. He wanted to grow up to be a rabbi, wise and kind like his father. But he couldn't help but wish for the excitement of being a legendary pirate.
"Boats are fun," his father said. "But helping people is more meaningful."
Years passed, and Sam grew up to be a rabbi. He taught his community, bringing them joy and comfort. But when the prince enlists Sam's help to save captured people, he knows what he must do. Setting sail with his crew, Sam is determined to save his community, and even change the minds of some pirates along the way.
An author's note tells the history of Samuel Pallache, the values he lived his life by, and even includes pirate fun facts