In this part one series, Daniel Carter is the fictional protagonist who is widely recognised for his enthusiasm for self-pleasure, earning him the title of "the horniest teen in the world" among his peers. He enjoys indulging in this activity and takes pride in being able to do so freely. But he is so unattractive in every aspect possible that no female will have anything to do with him, not to mention get close enough to talk. Daniel has now made the decision to make a significant change to his life.
Masturbation is a key part of sexual awakening and liberation. Self-pleasure is an important part of both, and this book provides frank discussion of the topic.
The topics covered in the book include: how to masturbate for fun and pleasure, types of masturbation, masturbation for men and women, toys and more.
This book may or may not contain explicit content depending on your reading preference. Some of the content may be considered racy, graphic, or offensive.
If you are not of legal age or are not comfortable with this content, please exit now.
This book is very interesting and fun to read, a real page turner and inspired by The Sun newspaper's page three models.