"Pshhhhhh! Glass from a high-rise building to the north started shimmering and clattering above him. It cascaded down like rain towards the ground below. The assassin was situated underneath the falling glass, shielding himself from the debris. Genaya looked on as the assassin launched a grapple hook to ascend him to a higher ledge. In this moment, Genaya got his first look at the assailant. Seeing the assassin's getaway plan hatched, Genaya knew he had to act fast to prevent an unhindered escape. He glanced around, desperate for a solution. There! A glass elevator was rising up the building. Watching the speed at which the elevator was travelling, Genaya knew he could make the jump if he timed it correctly."
Read this engaging tale of intergalactic rivalry that will set your heart racing. L. R. Lorkin's immersive prose will not let you put this book down easily.