Being the favored son of Noble French parents...Considered to be superior
Excelling in my studies, sports, dancing, friend to every eligible young lady
Sounds like a fairly enchanting 'Happily Ever After' life, right?
Well, I used to believe in those... But now after the tragic loss of my parents
The outward animosity of my brothers and no place to call home...
How could I possibly let my guard down to believe, to love or feel loved again?
Father's designated 'Man of Business' tells us Uncle Jean-Claude has sent for us.
After all we've lost, we're expected to emigrate around the world to Texas.
We are to be Uncle Jean-Claude's Texas Cattle Ranch hands.
How can this be? We come from generations of the finest vignerons.
Life as cattle ranchers presents the Bellamy boys with unimaginable changes.
A wretchedly deceitful Uncle and enslaved to work tirelessly seven days a week
Each must choose their own path to finding manhood and happiness... Alone.