I woke up in this land without a remnant of a memory. I did not know who I was or where I came from. All I could see was water for miles. I was rescued and returned to health but little did I know, this is where my story really began. I started remembering who I was. A son of a king, implanted in a foreign place and time where a purpose called out to me like I was its savior. This hounding energy was in the form of a memorabilia, showing me the way. Mapping out the eras that it wanted me to travel to and the people who it intended for me to see. Soon as I started to answer this relentless summoning, things began to happen. Divine things that I will never be able to properly understand. My power had grown majestically. Unfamiliar strength riddled through my body and a new kind of knowledge inhabited my spirit. Showing me this magical land that I would later come to know as, New Orleans. A place that held secrets and revelations. Friends and foes. Allies and enemies. This could never be a coincidence or luck. I was supposed to be here with the demons, witches and celestials. Along with all the other things that go bump in the night. My whole past was gone but my future was standing right in front of me. The question is, would I be strong enough to keep walking forward.