Raising a little dreamer?
Nurture your child's imagination with The Man in the Moon - all you have to do is to hitch a ride on a shooting star and zoom! Find the door to his home and he'll greet you with a smile, you'll have fun in an instant and laugh all the while. Meeting moon Martians and seeing wonderful things, like undiscovered stars and Saturn's colorful rings. Drinking some tea and eating space berry pie, and racing on asteroids in the blink of an eye!
This a perfect bedtime story for sweet, adventurous dreams guaranteed!
Here, at Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream, we believe that children's books are more than just stories - they're vessels of inspiration, education, and imagination. Every book we publish is carefully selected to teach kids valuable lessons that will last a lifetime.
From the publisher who brought to you "Fiona Flamingo", "Right Now, I Am Fine", "Zen Pig", "The Snowman's Song", "Bug Soup", and "The Super Tiny Ghost", "The Man in the Moon" is a welcome addition to our incredible collection of best-selling children's books!