Poetry. Literary Nonfiction. Pacific Northwest. This inaugural issue of The Madrona Project, a periodical anthology which Empty Bowl will attempt to publish twice a year, offers the best work by poets and writers who are outsiders--who write in and of this world: outside of self, outside the mainstream, or simply outdoors--work in keeping with Empty Bowl's mission: literature with the responsibility to speak for human societies in wild places. This issue is a wild gathering of bouquets from sixty respondents who each addressed one or more of the poems in Clemens Starck's Cathedrals & Parking Lots: Collected Poems, A Festschrift for Clemens Starck, the issue gathers testimonials from a range of poets, scholars, laborers, artists, collaborators, and friends; long-standing Starck readers, who have contributed reactions, personal histories, and appreciations of poems that affected them deeply or brought about a change in their lives.