Man is an ethical being at the core. The non-human species lacks sense of values. Their behaviour is regulated by instinct or physical urges. The ethical awareness of human beings helps them to examine and introspect about the nature of what they do. It is only human action which can be brought under moral valuation. Natural event, animal behaviour, action of children and insane are ethically neutral because the question of right and wrong cannot be pertinently raised with regard to them. !n this sense an ethical pursuit can said to be prerogative of human species, when action is judged to be good or bad, it presupposes a standard or norm against which it is judged to be so. All ethical judgements are norm specific. That is why ethics is termed as a normative science. An action is just if and only if it is in conformity with an ethical norm. Even the degree of goodness or justness of action depends on the extent on which it approximates the standards.
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