"The Language Lizard Idiom books are ... a teacher's dream come true!... #1 pick for teachers everywhere. ... readers will have a whale of a time discovering new phrases and expressions, while turning pages with laughter and joy." - Tara Brown, ESL teacher
What does it mean to let the cat out of the bag?
Why would you take a bull by the horns?
Idioms can be confusing, but they help you to understand English and are a lot of fun to learn!
With clever multicultural illustrations, literal translations of the idioms, meanings in 2 languages, and English example sentences, The Lion's Share explains common animal idioms in a way that makes them easy to understand. It's a perfect book to teach culturally and linguistically diverse students.
The Lion's Share includes bonus material to support English language learners and promote culturally responsive teaching, such as links to:
● English audio of the book
● Information about the history of the idioms in the book
● Additional animal idioms, their meaning, and history
● Lesson plans to help teach idioms while exposing children to other cultures
The Lion's Share is a great resource to build language skills while having fun!
● Fresh as a Daisy - English Nature Idioms
● Icing on the Cake - English Food Idioms● With Flying Colors - English Color Idioms