J. C. Amberchele is the pseudonym of a man who found freedom--real freedom--during the long prison sentence he is still serving. This freedom is the same liberation or enlightenment that so many of us are seeking, but that we seek within the framework of a life where we can have access to all the paraphernalia of the spiritual search and the apparent comfort money can buy. If you are reading this, you probably have an inkling that the real freedom which Amberchele talks about is something different and has no relation to the external freedom that most of us enjoy. The "experiments" he used before his radical shift in perception seemed, in his own words, "crazy and childish, but I gave them a try. And there it was, as plain as day." The Light That I Am is no mere prescriptive rehashing of techniques; it combines fascinating biographical material with uniquely accessible insights into the nature of who we really are and how a person continues to function after everything has changed, and yet nothing has changed.