The Lead: Daily Inspirations in Search of Peace and Serenity is essential reading for those who are just starting out in an alcohol recovery plan. It presents a substantial, unsparing, and deeply moving account of the day-by-day, meeting-by-meeting, step-by-step recovery of an alcoholic as he finds his way through the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
RMA's journey is also excellent inspiration for those living the twelve steps and seeking to awaken their past experiences as they recover from the trauma of addiction.
While there have been many books written over the years on recovery and the search for peace and serenity, The Lead is significantly different in that the author included dialogues from actual AA meetings (including the responses of group members-all anonymous, of course), fresh material for daily meditation, and a sensitive story about one man's recovery, detailing real-life use of all twelve steps in the AA program.
Now a recovering, sober alcoholic, RMA provides an invaluable source of reference and review for all those who have been through the steps and are searching for solutions or spiritual renewal.
Following AA tradition, the author, a member of an AA group in Cincinnati, Ohio, will remain anonymous.