LAST TRAIN TO DIXIE is a collection of Jack Trotter's Southern essays, many of them published over the course of more than a decade in Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. Several of these essays look back towards the legacy of slavery, Reconstruction, and segregation, while others explore cultural themes in the more recent past, including several forays across the troubled terrain of the New South.
Implicit in most of these essays, both serious and humorous, is a concern for the question of Southern identity: how it was shaped, how it is threatened, and how it might endure
"In All the Ancient Circles" Tourism and the Decline of Charleston's Elite FamiliesOf Monkeys and MermaidsThe Strange Career of SegregationGrace King and the Prayers of WomenThe Faces of MenZora Neale Hurston's White MareThe Crossroads MerchantsGOP CountryBooks Are for Blockheads or, the Buckhead BomberThe Flamingo KidDixie for DummiesEating CrowOn Secession HillThe Last Train: An EpilogueRelated Subjects