Also by Barry Grills:
Cock-eyed Voice: Stories - A collection of short stories representing nearly fifty years of publication by author Barry Grills, including the story "A Game With Adonis" ... "so successful the reader squirms in self-recognition" (Books in Canada, 1980). These nine finely-crafted stories appeared alongside accomplished authors such as Matt Cohen, John Newlove, Alice Munro, Hugh Hood, Joyce Carol Oates, Kent Thompson, Elizabeth Spencer, Hugh Garner, Mordecai Richler, Morley Callaghan, Andreas Schroeder, Dave Godfrey, David Helwig, and others.
Oblivion - "The author writes well . . . a compelling midlife coming-of-age story" (Whistler Independent Book Awards, 2019). Too Late the Hunter - "Psychological thriller about the interweaving of the lives of three men ... Grills writes masterful description! His phrases gave me goosebumps more than once ... a bingeworthy novel!" (Author Marla J. Hayes).I And You, And Me And Her - "Stories about men in love with women they can't have ... very detailed and vivid" (BookLife Prize, 2018).
Roadkill - "Set in a compelling dystopian future ... the story develops greater urgency as it progresses. Writing in fluid, lyrical sentences, Grills demonstrates a clear facility with language and tone ... alluring descriptions ... striking prose and an enticing premise allow this novel to stand out within the larger category of dystopian fiction" (BookLife Prize, 2018).
- Shortlisted for the 2018 Whistler Independent Book Awards;
- 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist.
Every Wolf's Howl - "An accomplished author of stories, ... Barry Grills ... in his first memoir ... [writes] a moving story of friendship and transformation, and anyone who has ever longed to companionate with wild creatures will be transfixed" (Winnipeg Free Press, 2012).