Yes, that's me, Roy Geoffrey Waters, on the back cover of my book. Well actually it's a photograph of a painting of me by me. But I don't just paint myself; I also write about myself. This book is a sort of autobiography; it's a collection of thoughts related to events in my life. I hope it will make you smile a bit and even think a bit every so often. I never intended to publish what I've written over several years but when I came to realise that I'd written so much I thought that sending it to a printer / publisher would be the simplest way to pull it all together. It's my first and, I expect, only publication.
You can see that I call myself Roy Geoffrey Waters. That's a little unusual isn't it, at least in the UK ? Most people would simply use one christian name and one surname. So why the Geoffrey ? Well I started including my second christian name many years ago when I opened my e-mail account with hotmail. I found that my name was not available - another Roy Waters was using it. I thought I'd get in contact with this Roy Waters and did. I live near Barcelona, Spain and the other Roy Waters ( of which there seem to be hundreds - I'm glad my name is not John Smith) lives, or at least then lived, in Dorset so, when I was in London to support my third child running the marathon, I managed to meet up with my name sake.
I suppose this blurb should be encouraging you to read the book. Well I can only think of two basic reasons to read it and I've mentioned them above - to smile a bit and to think a bit. If you read it then enjoy it ! If you don't read it, then be happy anyway - that's what life is all about.