The Kodiak Bible Chapel Story is an account by one of its long-time attendees, Art Zimmer. Art came to Kodiak a year after the Chapel was incorporated in 1962; his wife Arlene since 1964 is a charter member. They have been an active part of the church over the years. He compiled this little book for the benefit of those who came since its founding, but have little knowledge of its history.
Part II, Notes on the Book of Romans appropriately presents the message of the Chapel in a body of truth. Romans, more than any of Paul's other writings lays out the entire scope of the Christian faith. It proves the whole world lost, in need of a Savior. Faith righteousness only justifies anyone without works. Identification with Christ, unification with Christ as a new rule of life is here presented, as is the Spirit-filled life of the believer.
Romans also reveals God's sovereign dispensing the news of the gospel to every generation, begging the believer's reasonable dedication to His life-long service. The Christian faith permeates all of life, including domestic relations as well as with government.
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