A young boy prince inherits, not a blessed Kingdom, but a broken lineage of his bloodline. Galbothia, a land forged by the creator of the universe, becomes an arena of fatality. Meant for peace and harmony, Galbothia provided the enduring blessings of life to all its creatures. Yet, like so often occurs, a force of destructive power shows itself to interfere with such blessed existence. Good versus evil clash, and a young boy who becomes King answers the call to deliver his people from tyranny and oppression. During his journey he learns of his ancestors and country's deep secrets which forever changes the outcome of his mission. The burden to restore his world weighs heavy on the young prince, forcing him to grow up fast. Disappointment and victory intertwine in this novelistic journey. When reading this novel, you will be able to understand how a higher force can influence people to a higher standard of commitment. The residents of this world demonstrate their willingness to live and die for each other, and for freedom. The reader can comprehend the devotion of its characters towards life as they submit to the ultimate sacrifice. Tragedy meets love, and commitment becomes the central focus of existence. For the characters in this story, there is a certain reality in that life is precious, and it can be taken away at any moment. The enemy, whose goal is to permanently end Galbothia's way of life, does not hide its boldness to overtake the world. This leads to a show of deadly force exhibited by the invaders.