"Abba, Father " The greatest battle in the history of our world is fought over that simple phrase. From the dawn of creation an enemy has used every evil scheme to keep humanity from understanding how an infinite God can also be a loving, trustworthy Daddy, who will never let His children go.
Over years of personal and pastoral experience I have watched this epic battle play out. I have seen countless people held in bondage by fear and insecurity because of wounds inflicted upon them by the "father of lies." I have witnessed how a strained or severed relationship with one's earthly father can play a significant, devastating role in this great battle.
However, I have also witnessed the glorious victory when God's children find their Father's heart and cry out from the depths of their soul, "Abba Father "
Our enemy knows that once we have awakened to an intimate encounter with the Father's love he has lost. My prayer is that this book, with its included study journal questions, will be a weapon used to help you overcome the enemy's deception and find your heart at home in the Father's everlasting arms of love.