What does it take to build an incredible life legacy? As we journey through life, we encounter roadblocks, and resistance, which sometimes become cherished milestones because they teach us the most valuable life lessons. There are seasons in which life is great, and everything feels incredible. There are also periods of pain in which we feel lost, off-course, and isolated. Your journey--every person's journey--includes both.
This book will provide you authentic and honest insights to help you navigate both the highs and lows of life. You will learn how to successfully navigate the twelve life quests that you must master if you ever want to live a life of true meaning, purpose, and significance. You will discover:
- Keys to conquering the inner demons that can so easily derail you from your destiny.
- Fresh vision, encouragement, and hope for living the life you were born to live.
- New strength in knowing that you are not alone on the journey and that there is a group of like- minded individuals who, like you, want to walk the Kingsman path God has promised us.
This is not pie-in-the-sky theory. This is a book of practical, relevant truth shared with integrity and honesty by a man who had his life completely transformed, from despair to hope. You can apply his hard-earned and practical wisdom to your own life.
Welcome to the journey