When your world ends, how much of yourself would you sacrifice to protect the ones you love?
How far would you go?
Some would give all.
Over a year ago, the unimaginable happened: The West Coast of the US was invaded by a foreign military who subjugated the populace, attempting to create their own new world.
For that year, a small band has fought back, against all odds or chances of survival.
Captain left behind her name and her life to become the ultimate agent of chaos: The leader of the Uprising.
Along the way, she'll need to rescue her brother and his companions, blow up a town, and do the most difficult thing of all: get along with other people.
Finally, the freedom fighters have allies. Now, they need to learn to work together before their enemies find them.
With the mountains burning, can Captain overcome the fighters' bloodlust to turn them into the greatest irregular militia the world has ever seen?
An intoxicating read that follows a group of female freedom fighters, The Irregulars takes you on the ride of a lifetime. Hold onto your book during this page-turning thriller set in the lush Oregon wilderness. Fans of Garth Nix, Tamora Pierce, and The Mummy (1999) will love The Northwest Uprising
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