Put away your calculator, pull out a lot of scrap paper, and be prepared to work. That's the best way to learn physics, and that's exactly how physics professor Andrew D. Bunch plans to teach it to you in The Introductory Physics Workbook.
Thermodynamics, quantum field theory, Newton's laws...if you think your brain won't absorb the foundational principles of physics or that you'll never get it, think again. With The Introductory Physics Workbook, you will not only develop a solid understanding of the core concepts of physics but also find the process of solving each equation challenging and engaging. You won't just learn how to solve basic problems; you'll understand why you're addressing them at all. Written by someone who knows how to bridge the gap students often experience between learning physics and understanding it, this workbook breaks down information in a way anyone can grasp. Instead of being intimidated, you will find yourself enjoying it.
If you're a high school student taking AP physics or a college student taking an introductory course, The Introductory Physics Workbook is especially for you. It makes the perfect companion for your textbook.