Aching grief of a suppressed past haunt my days...
Holding my heart prisoner from feeling the joy of truly living...
Hope for love and being loved again... Too excruciating to envision
Tragedy and loss are no strangers
Fire annihilated everything, my parents, my life, and the Chateau
Still a stranger in a foreign land...
My once happy life dissipated... particles of a forgotten past
Except now...Just the sight of her makes my breath catch, my heart race...
Oh that look in her eyes when our gazes locked...
No! This cannot be! I am her father's right-hand man, 19 years her senior and...
Never mind the fact they see me as a humble, simple man...
Things could change IF they knew who I really was...
Is there any part of life not threatening to overturn Andr? and Anika's chance for love.