History of Chocolates
Before you bite into a smooth, rich dairy milk bar, you should know that the chocolates were not always this sweet treat. They were traditionally a bitter drink. Chocolates were originally found in the tropical rainforests of Central America.
Chocolates were cultivated by the Mesoamericans, and the ancient tribe believed that chocolates contained mystique powers. It was also known for its aphrodisiac properties, and spiritual qualities. The cocoa bean was worshiped by the Mayans. And they were reserved only for the noblest dignitaries, rulers, warriors, and priests. It was also a form of currency in the Mayan region.
In 1828, the cocoa press was founded. This machine would separate the cocoa butter, and cocoa powder from the cocoa beans. In 1887, a Swiss chocolatier decided to put milk into the concoction. He was searching for a way to preserve the milk chocolate for a long duration of time and thus, milk chocolates were introduced to the world. From then on, Chocolates were easily available to the masses. With marketing and more production, chocolates were now a delicacy everyone can enjoy.