Finally understand the life-altering knowledge of the Hermetica
Imagine obtaining the wisdom of the ancient Egyptian philosophers. How different would your life be if you had access to their secret teachings on life, its origins, and its Creator? In what ways would your own life be transformed?
Dr. Matthew Barnes, chemist, biochemist, doctor, and bestselling author of The Emerald Tablet 101, The Kybalion 101, The Tao Te Ching 101, The Bhagavad Gita 101, and Jesus Christ, Zen Master, presents his interpretation of the second major work of the ancient Egyptian Philosopher, Hermes Trismegistus. And he does so in a way that is "in-your-face readable, understandable."
In his work, you'll discover:
- What brought on Hermes' revelation, and how it's similar to the awakenings of Jesus, Buddha, and so many others.
- The connection between science and religion, and the truth about evolution.
- Why man is a double being.
(Did you know that man alone is a double being?)
- The true name of God, and the true creed.
- How to actually see the "body" of the Creator.
- How the ancient Egyptian philosophers viewed time.
(Hint: it's not how we view it )
- The three great entities of existence, and why humans were created in the first place.
- The answer to the debate over destiny versus free will.
(Did you know that it's a choice?)
- Mankind's single greatest fear, and how to overcome it.
- The truth about judgment day, and the root cause of our suffering.
- How to find enlightenment through Hermes' teachings.
Claim the secrets of the Hermetica for yourself. Scroll up and grab your copy today