Do I have your attention? Good. This may be one of the most transfomative books ever written. Everyone talks of a rabbit hole to a place others dare not go. Are you one of those people full of curiosity? Is this world just a construct created by a high power?
"The Great Ocean of Desire" was created to explain the universe in a form of simplicity that anyone can understand. There are not any chapters in this book to the higher self, only dimensions. From zero to ten the complexity of creation increases.
As we all come out of the ocean of pure love and desire we find our selves wondering. Questions arise in our new existence called reality, such as, "Why do we suffer so?","Where does my spirit go when I pass to the dream relm?","Where is God in a world of so much pain?".
Over the past decade, I have traveled to more than 20 countries, and have spoken to possibly hundreds of thousands of travelers on the same journey to wisdom. There has been but one voice guiding me, whispering secrets to me in the darkness. There has been one entity moving me from place to place.
Read this book to find the answers a rough and rocky road revealed. The road we all must take. The life we all must live. But to what end?
Let's find out!
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