Have you ever felt out of place? Like you are not important or special? Have you ever wondered why God made you the way you are? Well, so does Jed, the great, great whale. This story takes us on an underwater adventure with a whale named Jed, who is a very big whale Jed grows bigger and bigger by the day and becomes twice the size of all the other whales in the sea. In fact, he becomes the biggest creature in the entire ocean Jed is no monster, however; this big whale has an even bigger heart. Even after being picked on and mistreated, Jed never gives up and believes God made him special for a reason. Jed discovers God has an amazing mission for him and that he was made extra big for this special reason. As you embark on this journey with Jed, he wants you to remember that God never, ever makes a mistake. Just like Jed the whale, God loves you and has made you to do big things for Him.