Discover how to change your life with The Good NO.
The Good NO is for anyone who finds it hard to say NO to the requests, demands and expectations of others.
This book invites the reader into the world of NO and on a journey of how and why saying NO is a good idea.
It questions the culture of 'yes saying, ' inviting you to explore and experiment with alternate ways of interpreting and
responding to tricky situations. It is about discerning what is the best choice for you rather than reacting automatically.
The author's style varies from informative and easy-going to ironic and thought provoking. There are many reasons
why saying NO and backing up that NO are difficult: you may be easily led, don't want to make a fuss, think saying
NO is rude, are afraid of the reaction of others, lack the courage to say NO or you may have a habit you can't say
NO to. The cost of not saying NO is high; it creates stress and misery, it undermines relationships and leaves you
feeling inauthentic.
If you recognise yourself here then this book is for you.