Dee Larcombe was born in Hong Kong just before the Japanese army invaded in 1941. She spent 3 years in an internment camp and was brought up in a childrens' home. In adulthood she has worked as a nurse in an Indian leprosy hospital and as a Family Planning Nurse in Tooting, London. Despite adversity and poor health, she has found a way to forgive those who ill treated her.
'"The Girl in a Drawer" is a story of childhood captivity that captivated me from start to finish." Revd. Dr. Hugh Osgood, Free Churches Moderator and President of Churches Together in England.
"Dee's compelling story encourages and challenges us as we learn how she has overcome dire circumstances." Mrs Keiko C Holmes, O.B.E., founder of Agape World.
"'The Girl in a Drawer" is a beautiful account of an uplifting life story." Revd. Jon Ward, Rector of St.John's, West Wickham.