A multi-award winning debut akin to The Hunger Games, Game of Thrones and Deltora Quest, creating a modern fantasy adventure fuelled by survival with a new twist on extraordinary powers.
In a fantasy world where everyone is divided by colour, a young teen, Perry, and his best friend, Faith, are coerced on a thrilling adventure after the demise of their home where they learn that they have magical powers. The only problem is that when they use their gifts, they must sacrifice something else in return.Join Perry, a teen who can teleport and walk through walls, his little sister, Teala, their family friend, Faith, the most power being in the world, and Bailey, a talking panda, as the four migrate across the continent in search of refugee.Experience a new and unique world with the introduction of the White City, Kelton Whide, the Green City, Everbreen, and the many locations in between-from refined farmlands, religious cults, suburban paradises and a magnificent city atop the back of a sleeping giant.Through hardships, loss, fear and a little bit of romance, Perry and his friends overcome many obstacles to achieve their goal: to reach the safety of The Green City and defeat the terrorist leader who destroyed their home.