Everyone confides in taxi drivers.
The masses enter Hammond's cab, impart their life stories or depressing woes, and return to the city streets, taking a little bit of him with them. Life changes when a young woman named Shaara leaps into his cab, an adherent to a cult, a group indulging in pleasurable depravity in a tower to the south. Tonight, she goes to rob them. Her presence alone wakes Hammond from life's slumber.
When she later goes missing, he takes it upon himself to stalk the nocturne for her whereabouts and her secrets, entering a hedonist nightmare in which desire is a dangerous game. Bikies, drug addicts, sex addicts, corrupt cops, murderers, and human monsters await Hammond in the dark.
And behind a door on the top floor of the cult's tower dwells a secret far more terrible than anything Hammond or his customers could imagine.