Many humans have arguments within them about who is freed or not; who is saved or not, and many seek help from fellow humans who might have undisclosed ulterior motives. The striving for deliverance have led many into greater captivity and enslavement, rather than salvation and freedom.
There is a dominant herd mentality among humans who are supposed to be free people and it has become alarming. Unknowing to them, they are poor, brokenhearted, captive, and imprisoned. These issues show up in practice but are unrecognized, because humans are taught that the practices are right and they never seek to know on their own part through personal sense experiences. Knowing illuminate freedom, for which this book serves to break the barrier to it. A natural desire to be part of "in crowd" damages the ability to make the right decisions. "Do as I do" and "say as I say" mentality have made humans deny their aptitude for too long because of sentiments. It is appropriate to break out of "in crowd" and experience new dimensions, the length, breadth, depth, and height of Christ with personal sense experiences.
But the way to attain freedom from struggling to protect salvation is to have personal sense experiences. The reason why humans have not known God beyond religious denominations is because they lack personal sense experiences. As such, humans confine God to their denominations. The greatest trouble of those who lack personal sense experiences are the threat and fear of hell, and rapture, thereby thinking of losing salvation. Humans are wrongly taught: "Whoever doesn't do as I do, or say as I say, will go to hell or will not succeed." Such people never enjoyed the freedom in Christ, for which this book serves to help them out. Personal sense experiences give freedom of decision and action. God is working with whoever that is freed to will and to do.
If humans can realize and value the freedom to will and to do, they will not take freedom for granted and abuse it; they will subject themselves to personal sense experiences through which freedom comes by truth that hurts to sanctify; they will identify the freedom that justifies and embrace it; They will use the freedom to conquer wrong beliefs; they will use freedom to discover who they are; they will have freedom of the eye to search deeply like the Prophets and don't condemn views; they will gain freedom from the monster called "FEW"; they will attain freedom by the armor of God; they will understand there is no power except God and stop lamenting; and they will exercise freedom to start living the best life.
Hence, "The Freedom Tonic: Personal Sense Experiences" is a book that is capable of re-invigorating anyone, as it contains the elixir of life, guiding towards self-deliverance and enjoying eternity even here on earth. Attaining freedom from the inside is the best way to bypass deception and use the opportunity to gain internal peace.