Our favorite teenage life coach is back, but this time he's got his own problems.
Finn loves tennis, but when he plays at his first major tennis tournament, he freezes. Not only is he super mortified, he feels like he's disappointing everyone. Maybe he's not that good after all...?
Meanwhile, the rest of his gang is also stressed: Tom is an awesome tennis player, but doesn't even seem like he's even trying. Chris thinks she's a soccer 'has been' at 13. And the only thing more jumpy than Xavier is the basketball he dribbles nonstop.
The only calm one is Charlie, but everyone is so caught up in their own drama, they're not listening.
Meanwhile, Finn's sister, Fiona, is having a rough time from a pint sized bully. After earning the top spot in the gala dance show, Fiona's 'best friend' snubs her. Then it gets worse. She takes to social media to embarrass Fiona, and turns her class against her. Finn and his friends (okay, mainly Chris) provide some protection and help Fiona get through this rough time.
Finn, who's usually the one helping everyone else with their problems, has to figure his life out. He loves tennis (And he loves the fact that he gets to see CC, the captain of the high school tennis team, and Finn's crush, at tournaments )
But these days, he's not so sure... Does he really hate doing tournaments?
By talking to teammates and friends, and hearing Charlie talk about performing in plays, Finn starts to put together a 'toolbox' of ways to cope with stress, expectations, and anxiety.
He also learns his biggest lessons from an unlikely source: his Labrador retriever, Ralph.
Also, Finn and Tom's coaches have a cool idea that makes the guys have a lot more fun.
Just as Finn starts to feel like he's conquering his stress and having fun competing, something happens to Chris.
It puts everything in perspective - even Xavier's big announcement.
Finn and his friends have to come together and help each other out if they're going to get through this.
And they do